Price Transparency: A Trump Administration Regulatory Priority

By and on March 13, 2025

On February 25, 2025, the Trump administration highlighted one of its priorities in an executive order on price transparency. While the order primarily focuses on enforcing existing price transparency requirements, it also suggests potential changes or expansions, which would necessitate rulemaking. Potential impacts on health plans include the requirement to make detailed pricing information publicly available and to provide an online shopping tool. This tool will allow consumers to see the rates negotiated by their providers and plans, as well as an estimate of their out-of-pocket costs for 500 of the most shoppable items and services.

Read more here.

Jeffrey Davis
Jeffrey is a skilled healthcare executive with substantial knowledge of regulatory advocacy and healthcare policies. Jeffrey’s work focuses on issues tied to provider payment and reimbursement as well as quality reporting. He also has significant experience with recent regulatory developments such as the implementation of surprise billing rules. Read Jeffrey Davis's full bio.

Leigh Feldman
Leigh offers clients nuanced health policy and legislative affairs insights informed by more than a decade of experience at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and on Capitol Hill. A skilled legislative and regulatory strategist, Leigh helps clients evaluate health policy proposals and anticipate policy changes. Read Leigh Feldman's full bio.





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