On January 25, 2023, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that more than 16.3 million people nationwide selected an ACA Marketplace health plan during the 2023 open enrollment period that ran from November 1, 2022, until January 15, 2023, for most marketplaces.
According to HHS, total plan selections include 3.6 million people who are new to the marketplaces for 2023 (22% of the total). The 3.6 million figure is a 21% increase in new-to-marketplace plan selections over last year.
The data included in HHS’s January 25 announcement represents activity through January 15 for the 33 marketplaces using HealthCare.gov, and through January 14 or 15 for the 18 state-based marketplaces in 17 states and the District of Columbia that use their own eligibility and enrollment platforms. Some state-based marketplaces are still in open enrollment and will report updated enrollment data after that period closes. A fact sheet on state-based marketplace open enrollment deadlines can be found here.
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