National Center for Employee Ownership
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Recent Developments Relating to the DOL and ESOPs

There have been major developments that could impact the future of US Department of Labor (DOL) regulation, investigations, and litigation related to employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). During a recent National Center for Employee Ownership webinar, Partners Ted Becker and Julian André explored what ESOP fiduciaries, ESOP company directors and management, employees involved with ESOPs, and advisors need to know about these developments.

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Assessing the Recent Claims Against Sellers and Other Non-Trustees in Lawsuits Relating to ESOPs

Increasingly, sellers of stock and others who customarily have not been named as defendants alongside employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) trustees are being sued in lawsuits relating to ESOPs. Chris Nemeth and Jane Kim recently presented a webinar to members of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) analyzing this trend. They discussed the types of claims recently brought against sellers, company executives, outside investors and other non-trustees in recent lawsuits relating to ESOPs, and they offered practical tips for protecting against such lawsuits.

Watch the recording here.

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The Changing Landscape of ESOP Litigation

In this webinar recorded for the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), Ted Becker and Julian André discuss the changing landscape of employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) litigation. The program covers trends in recent significant court decisions relating to ESOPs as well as the latest theories advanced by plaintiff’s counsel and the US Department of Labor.

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ESOPs and Artisan Distilling

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are becoming a popular—and tax effective—way for companies to manage succession planning. When structured properly an ESOP can provide huge financial benefits to companies and their employees alike. There have been several craft brewers who have taken advantage of the ESOP structure in the past year, and we expect this trend to pique the interest of craft distilleries. In this article, originally published in Artisan Spirit, Marc E. Sorini and Emily Rickard explore at a very high level some of the issues involved with starting and maintaining a craft distillery ESOP.

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