massive terminations
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Managing Your Workforce During Market Volatility: Large-Scale Personnel Decisions

In response to recent market conditions, employers are making difficult workforce decisions, including reducing employee headcount, eliminating departments, hiring consultants or implementing hiring freezes. Being able to navigate these events can help employers mitigate risk and prepare their workforces for the path forward.

During a recent webinar, our Employment and Business Restructuring Practice Groups explored best practices and strategic management for navigating large-scale personnel decisions.

Access the recording and key takeaways here.

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Massive Terminations: A 2015 Key Issue for China Labor

“Massive terminations” occur in China when an employer terminates more than 20 employees or more than 10 percent of its total employees at one time. Even though there are no official statistics on massive terminations of employees in China, recent news reports indicates an increase based on overseas investment leaving China. This article provides an overview of some of the common characteristics of massive terminations and of the issues companies with Chinese employees should consider in implementing a massive termination.

Read the full China Law Alert.

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