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The Impact of the ACA 1557 Final Regulations on Gender-Affirming Care

Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, or any combination thereof, in a health program or activity, any part of which is receiving federal financial assistance.

On May 6, 2024, the US Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services published final regulations (final regulations) implementing Section 1557 (Our summary and overview of the final regulations is available here.) Entities that are subject to Section 1557 (covered entities) include hospitals, health clinics, health insurance issuers, state Medicaid agencies and community health centers. While group health plans are not themselves covered entities unless they receive federal financial assistance (e.g., certain Medicare Part D programs and Employer Group Waiver Plans), carriers that provide administrative services to group health plans may themselves be covered entities if they receive federal financial assistance (e.g., by selling Medicare Advantage products).

Reversing prior law, the final regulations unambiguously prohibit categorical coverage exclusions or limitations for health services related to gender transition or other gender-affirming care. OCR finds support for this change in the US Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which held that Title VII of the Equal Employment Act prohibits an employer from discriminating against an individual on the basis of sexual orientation. But prohibiting categorical coverage exclusions is not the same thing as requiring covered entities to provide access to gender-affirming care under all circumstances. There are limits; covered entities must not:

[D]eny or limit services based on gender identity or sex assigned at birth, adopt any policy of treating individuals differently on the basis of sex, including to the extent it prevents an individual from engaging in a health program or activity consistent with the individual’s gender identity, or deny or limit services sought for gender transition or other gender-affirming care based on sex assigned at birth or gender identity.

The provision would outlaw blanket bans on both gender-affirming care itself and on specific gender-affirming procedures (like facial feminization surgery). But it would also prohibit plans or carriers that qualify as covered entities from covering breast reconstruction for cancer treatment, or hormones to treat post-menopause symptoms, without also covering these procedures to treat gender dysphoria.

The final regulations do not interfere with individualized clinical judgment about the appropriate course of care for a patient. (The preamble makes further claims that OCR has a general practice of deferring to a clinician’s judgment about whether a particular service is medically appropriate for an individual, or whether the clinician has the appropriate expertise to provide care.) A provider’s belief that gender transition or other gender-affirming care can never be beneficial, or its compliance with a state or local law that reflects a similar judgment, is not a sufficient basis for a judgment that a health service is never clinically appropriate, however.

The 2016 final Section 1557 regulations were successfully challenged in Franciscan Alliance v. Burwell (N.D. [...]

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The ACA 1557 Final Regulations: Plans and Plan Sponsors as Covered Entities

In a recent On the Subject (available here), we reported on the impact of the final rule (final rule) interpreting Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on self-funded group health plans that contract with licensed health insurance issuers to provide administrative services. That article considered instances in which neither the plan sponsor nor the group health plan was a covered entity for Section 1557 purposes. This post starts by assuming that either the plan sponsor or the group health plan is or at least may be a covered entity.

Section 1557 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, or any combination thereof, in a health program or activity, any part of which is receiving federal financial assistance. The final rule makes clear an employer’s employment practices, including the sponsorship of a group health plan, are not generally subject to the rule. Thus, an employer does not become subject to Section 1557 by simply offering a group health plan, and a group health plan is not a covered entity where it does not receive federal financial assistance. The preamble cites examples of plans that may (or may not) receive federal financial assistance: Employer Group Waiver Plans (EGWPs), Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Part D plans.

Plan Sponsor/Covered Entity

There are clearly instances in which a plan sponsor is itself a covered entity for Section 1557 purposes. This is the case wherever the plan sponsor is itself principally engaged in providing or administering health programs and activities (e.g., a hospital that accepts Medicare). Where that is the case, all the entities’ operations are also subject to Section 1557. The reference to “all” an entities’ operations usually conjures up images of separate legal entities under common control (e.g., a subsidiary or affiliate of the plan sponsor). But is the covered entity’s group health plan part of the covered entity’s operations? (See, e.g., T.S. v. Heart of CarDon, LLC, holding that Section 1557 applies to all the activities of a covered entity plan sponsor, including its group health plan, regardless of whether the group health plan itself received federal financial assistance.) In the context of the final rule, we are not sure that it matters. The plan sponsor is itself a covered entity that is subject to, and will need to comply with, Section 1557 irrespective of the status of the plan.

Part D and EGWPs

According to the preamble to the final rule, EGWPs, Medicare Advantage plans and Part D plans are covered entities where the plan receives federal financial assistance. EGWPs are types of Medicare Advantage plans or Part D prescription drug plans that qualify for waivers of certain Medicare regulations. Prior to the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act, employer-sponsored Part D coverage was the primary source of coverage for retirees. EGWPs, which came later, provided a more flexible alternative for employers seeking the benefits that could be captured through waivers. Whether the EGWP, Medicare Advantage plan or [...]

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