Joseph K. Urwitz

Joseph (Joe) K. Urwitz focuses his practice on employee benefits, executive compensation and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) fiduciary matters. He advises clients on a wide range of issues, including fiduciary duties and prohibited transactions, employee benefit matters arising in mergers and acquisitions, benefits issues unique to nonprofit entities, deferred compensation arrangements, equity award and bonus plan design, employment and severance arrangements, and qualified plan work. Read Joe Urwitz's full bio.
IRS Expands Guidance on In-Plan Roth Conversions
By Joseph K. Urwitz and Stephen Pavlick on Feb 5, 2014
Posted In Employment, Retirement Plans
Recent IRS guidance clarifies a number of outstanding questions regarding “in-plan conversions” of non-Roth balances to Roth balances in 401(k), 403(b) and governmental 457(b) plans. In particular, the guidance confirms that converted balances are subject to the same distribution restrictions after the conversion as they were prior to it. Click here to read the full...
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District Court Strikes Down Rental Allowance Tax Exemption for Ministers
By Anthony A. Bongiorno, Joseph K. Urwitz, Mary K. Samsa, Ralph E. DeJong and Todd Solomon on Jan 16, 2014
Posted In Employment
A federal court recently declared unconstitutional Internal Revenue Code Section 107(2), which excludes from gross income a rental allowance paid to a “minister of the gospel” as part of his or her compensation, on the grounds that it violates the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Religious institutions offering such allowances should closely monitor further...
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