Evan A. Belosa

Evan A. Belosa is an experienced negotiator and counselor, focusing his practice on all aspects of executive employment and compensation matters. Evan represents individuals from virtually every industry across the United States, with a specific focus on executive officers and employees at all levels of the financial services industry. He also represents institutions in all aspects of the employer/employee relationship. Evan has significant experience in the areas of executive compensation and employee benefits, and has frequently represented both management teams and employers in designing and drafting compensation structures and plans. Read Evan Belosa's full bio.
Understanding Equal Pay Laws and Avoiding and Defending Pay Equity Claims
By Evan A. Belosa on Jan 11, 2017
Posted In Employment, Executive Compensation
The federal government’s focus on pay equity and pay data, and the passage of groundbreaking equal pay laws in a number of states, has been one of the biggest employment law developments of 2016. Litigation involving pay equity claims has also risen in the past year. Given the increased focus on pay equity from these...
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Protecting Against SEC Whistleblower Enforcement Actions: Employment and Severance Agreements
By Evan A. Belosa, Fredric D. Firestone, Jeremy White and Thomas P. Conaghan on Jan 5, 2017
Posted In Employment, Privacy and Data Security
Large fines have recently been imposed against public companies due to using confidentiality provisions that violate whistleblower provisions under federal securities law. Many standard confidentiality clauses in employment agreements, severance agreements, release agreements, non-compete agreements and other employment related agreements will violate these whistleblower provisions. Recently, the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations at the...
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